

FearLess is a registered charity, supporting people dealing with Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Stalking for over 25 years. Whoever you are, whatever your background, whether you’re seeking help, looking for information or wanting to join our incredible team, please reach out and get in touch. FearLess offer a number of services across the Southwest.

Supporting anyone who lives in Swindon and Wiltshire

We understand the difficulties you may face in coming to terms with the after-effects of sexual violence.  An ISVA can be a friendly face that will support you through your journey.  The ISVA service is about helping you make an informed choice and we are here to help you find your own way forward.

We offer free, confidential and independent practical and emotional support to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted, whether the assault took place recently or in the past.  We support clients whether they have reported to the Police or not.

ISVA Support:

  • We provide a safe and confidential space to meet
  • Practical and emotional support
  • Help you to find ways of coping
  • Regular face to face and telephone, email, and text support
  • A full assessment to identify your needs and what other support you may need.
  • To help you access specialist support, e.g. counselling, mental health support, sexual assault referral centre, sexual health, substance and alcohol misuse and to develop a safety and support plan.
  • Support around education, employment and housing.
  • To help you decide if you wish to report to the police and give you information about the legal process. Support you through the criminal justice system, to attend Court proceedings with you
  • Explain some of the legal jargon and processes.
  • Liaise with the police and Crown Prosecution service on your behalf
  • Support if you wish to share anonymous intelligence to the Police
  • Support and information around the Complaints procedure


Children, Young People and their Families

Our Service has two Children and Young people ISVAs (CYPISVA) who provide support to children, young people and their families up to the age of 18 years, who have been victims of any form of sexual violence/abuse, including sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Depending on the age of the young person the CYPISVA will initially speak with the parent/carer to identify issues and needs.  They will then meet with the young person to look at what support is available and talk through their concerns, options and choices.

Our aim is to ensure the young person has a voice and to feel central to the process.   Our ISVA’s understand that everyone’s needs are different – we will tailor an individual support plan based on the young person needs and requests.

CYPISVA Support:

  • Risk assess and help children and young people keep safe
  • Provide emotional and practical support
  • Develop an individual support plan with the young person
  • Support through the criminal justice system, arrange visits to Court and attend Court with young person. To help elevate worries and myths.
  • To keep the young person and their family informed of case progress
  • We support children and young people who are not going through the criminal justice system
  • Liaise with other professionals on the young person’s behalf
  • Support children and young people to access health and other services they may require
  • We can refer young people age 13 – 17 to our specialist counselling service
  • We consider and respond to child safeguarding issues when engaging with all children and young people
  • Raise awareness of healthy and unhealthy relationships, grooming, consent and sexual violence
  • We work creatively and empathically to support and Empower young people

Gender: Men, boys, anyone who identifies as male.

Women, girls, anyone who identifies as a female.

Children, Young People and their Families.

Age: All Ages

Location: We have offices based in Swindon and Trowbridge

Case type: Any incident relating to sexual violence or abuse, whether the incident was recent or non-recent.

If you do give us your contact details, or provide identifiable information, we will usually keep your contact with us completely confidential.

However, in certain circumstances we may have to share information with another agency in order to protect you, or another person.

Wherever possible, we will inform you when we do.

No. We are independent from the Police, however, if you are under 18 we will need to make referral into the Safeguarding Team and we cannot guarantee anonymity from the Police.

All our ISVA’s are female.

Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and ISVA Telephone Support Advisor

Service's Logo


Referral Helpline: 01225 775276 Office Number: 01225 777724

Oak House
White Horse Business Park

ISVA Team: 01225 775276
Email: SPA@Splitz.org
The Gables
Shrivenham Road
South Marston

Opening Hours


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