Phoenix Project Somerset
The Somerset Phoenix Project is a specialist support service for children and young people aged 1 -18 and their families, in Somerset, who have been affected by childhood sexual abuse (CSA).
It is a small service covering Somerset, excluding BANES. Our remit is to support and train professionals, who are already supporting children and young people affected by childhood sexual abuse (CSA). However, we do have a small resource to provide 1:1 support and counselling to a very small amount of children.
Somerset Phoenix Project will be delivered in partnership between Barnardo’s and SARSAS (Somerset & Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support) and is commissioned by Somerset County Council.
Training for professionals;
Foundation and advanced training course provided across Somerset for professionals working with young survivors of CSA
Professional Forums to raise awareness of CSA
School champion scheme
Ongoing advice and supervision for professionals working with young survivors
Children/young people and their families:
1:1 specialist support work
Creative therapy for under 12’s
Peer support group for safe parents/carers
If you would like to request support from our service please fill in the approrpirate form and email it securely to
If you are unsure how to send this to us securely please call the office on 07590 627693
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.