We are a specialist support service for people of all genders in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset, or South Gloucestershire, who have experienced any form of sexual violence, at any point in their lives
SARSAS are a specialist support service for anyone who has experienced any form of sexual violence, at any point in their lives. We offer:
- Information
- Emotional and practical support
- Freephone helpline (0808 801 0456)
- E-support (
- Online chat
- 1-1 support by phone or face to face
- Specialist counselling
- Facilitated support groups
- Support resources
- Gender: We provide support for people of all genders across B&NES, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
- Age: 18+. Under 18, we will signpost to Childline, Children’s ISVA, Barnardos BASE, The Greenhouse in Bristol and The Somerset Phoenix Project in Somerset. Our helpline offers support for people aged 13+
- Location: B&NES, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset, South Gloucestershire
- Case type: Recent and non-recent
You will never have to tell us anything you do not wish to. We will not share information with anyone outside SARSAS without your permission. If you wish us to speak to someone else (eg. another organisation to help you access other services) we will need your consent. Confidentiality may only be breached if:
- someone is at immediate risk of serious harm
- we believe children may be at risk of harm or neglect
- we are subpoenaed by a court of law.
If we believe it is necessary to breach confidentiality, we will make every effort to involve you in the decision.
No. SARSAS is independent from the police. We know how important it is for people to feel safe to talk and know that they can be in control of who they tell and when. We will support anyone who wants to report to the police and anyone who chooses not to as well.
Our women-only services are provided by women.
Our staff team consists of people of all genders.
Volunteer helpline and support workers: Over 40 volunteers give their time to the people who use our helpline services. They all have to successfully complete 40 hours training, external supervision, in-house support and access to ongoing training throughout the year. All have relevant life and work experiences.
Our paid staff come with a range of backgrounds from counselling, research and psychology. All staff receive external clinical supervision and internal management supervision and coaching.
Our qualified counsellors deliver specialist counselling. All counsellors receive clinical supervision and internal management supervision. SARSAS are members of BACP and follow their ethical guidelines.
We are members of Rape Crisis England and Wales and meet 100% of their National Service Standards for specialist sexual violence services.