
Womankind provides a confidential and professional counselling, befriending service, helpline service and webchat for women who have experienced sexual abuse or rape. It is a specialist provider of women only services. Womankind aims to improve women’s mental health and wellbeing.

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 18+ (Womankind provides some resources/services are for young women aged 16+ including specialist sexual violence counselling and the helpline/webchat)
  • Location: Bristol, South Gloucestershire
  • Case type: Non-recent or recent
  • Other: Specialist service for deaf women with a counsellor who is BSL trained. Specialist service for refugees, asylum seekers and trafficked women who’ve experienced trauma including sexual violence. Language interpreters are available on request.

Womankind is committed to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality in all its work in order to ensure the safety and well being of clients who use the service. No information will be given to any other person or agency without client consent. However, there are certain circumstances under which we may need to talk to other professionals. These are as follows:

  • In order to prevent or lessen a serious threat to a client or another’s safety.
  • There is child protection issue. That is if we are told about a child or children who are being abused or neglected or who are at risk of being abused or neglected.
  • There is an allegation or reasonable suspicion of a vulnerable adult who is at risk of being abused or neglected.
  • Womankind is required by law to do so.

The service is confidential unless there are safe guarding concerns (see above).

Qualified counsellors & psychotherapists, trained and supervised volunteers, clinical manager, director, administrator, helpline manager, volunteer coordinator and a finance worker.

Service's Logo


helpline 0345 4582914
or 0117 9166461

For the webchat “button” and opening hours please visit:

3rd Floor, Brunswick Court
Brunswick Square
Bristol BS2 8PE
(+ outreach locations including at East Trees Health Centre and Wellspring Healthy Living Centre)

Opening Hours

Monday - 10am-12 noon, 1-3pm, 8-10pm
Tuesday - 10am-12 noon, 1-3pm, 8-10pm
Wednesday - 10am-12 noon, 1-3pm
Thursday - 10am-12 noon
Friday - 10am-12 noon

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